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The days I enjoy most in the field are ones that include diverse content.  Commercially, this could end up being anything from a dental office, agriculture or a commercial development.  Tourism work is no different, the more places, activities and people I get to experience in a day, the happier I am. An added bonus for me is when the work gets challenging, that’s when I really love to produce.  Now, it’s no secret that I love teaming up with either Tourism Sun Peaks or the corporation,, the resort is such a close escape from every day life in the city.  The scenery, experiences and down to earth people make for great days and memories.  Couple that with the fact that helping and working locally is even more important to me right now and you have the makings for a great day.  Last Saturday started in the early afternoon under the direction of Tourism Sun Peaks.  One of the priorities was capturing the public sitting in the hearts drawn at the local field to facilitate social distancing while watching circus performers.  That was fairly quick and immediately processed and sent for use on Hello BC’s Instagram page, as well as Sun Peaks’ IG and Facebook feeds.

Following that, the Marketing Coordinator, Corry and I headed to the village to cover coffee at Elevation and dining with some local athletes after a mountain bike ride enjoying a cold bevy or two!  The models had it so rough 🙂

Then came the highlight, a truck ride up to the top of the Burfield chair and a trek in to a number of trails for some (hopefully) strong content of sunset alpine hiking in the wildflowers.  There’s a number of elements that have to fall into place in order to execute strong content; some of it’s within a photographer’s control, some not.  You just have to hope for the weather gods to come through for you because a shoot like this one takes some logistical planning that can’t happen every day.  As I mentioned earlier, the more challenging the conditions the more I enjoy myself.  Problem solving has always been a vital part of photography and that night provided some thought and proper execution.  Mainly that involved light control and exposure to ensure high quality results.  A ‘hot’ sky needs to be handled with care in order for the emphasis to remain on the topography and people.  I use two distinct techniques for this that have helped me over the years.  TSP asked for an expansive and semi-expansive look and feel, meaning not too tight on the models (Corry and Bill), allowing for the wildflowers and experiential feel to take precedence.  Corry is a pro so the models were the easy part!  As for the weather gods that night, well they came through with some low elevation color in the sky and beautiful, soft clouds to help tell our story.  Enjoy the images below and to see more of my work, head to my portfolio here.  Cheers, have a good one!


From very early on, Kamloops-based photographer Kelly Funk has utilized the environment - both natural and urban - to accentuate the strengths of his professional photographic career, forming a unique, fresh perspective and high-end product.

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